
Here's to hoping you might find something funny or inspiring here. who knows?

Monday, August 20, 2012

Whew! its been a while since I've posted anything to my blog. I promise I'll try to get better at this.
My twin girls just started 5th grade. WOW that just seems  crazy to me, It may sound cliche to say this but it seems like it was just yesterday that they were starting kindergarten. It really does, there are so many moments that we take for granted in everyday life. I think every day that i wake up i tell myself that I'm going to try to be a better mother to my kids. No I don't think that i am a bad mom, I just think that i could be a better one. You know, fix better meals, Not loose my Patience, Spend more time with them, Not harp on them so much about how messy their room is... the list goes on and on. I don't think we would be human if we didn't think about these things. I heard once that if you are ever doubting that you are a good mom, then more likely than not, you ARE a good mom. It's usually the ones who don't care that are the ones that should. Day to day, year to year, we cant turn back the clock so let's try to make the most of the days we do have. Till next time guys!